Eldar Manor
Law Office

Category: IP

  • Intellectual Property & Bankruptcy

    What happens to a licensed intellectual property assest when a licensee files for bankruptcy? What are the implications in such a scenario of a clause in the license agreement prohibiting the licensee from assigning its rights under the agreement? For an interesting insight on this subject please see the following article by Theresa V. Brown-Edwards and Ryan M.…

  • European Commission Blueprint On IP

    The European Commission has set out its blueprint on Intellectual property rights (IPR). According to a Commission Press Release, …”technological change and, in particular, the growing importance of online activities, have completely changed the world in which IPR operate. The existing mix of European and national rules are no longer adapted and need to be modernised.…

  • Digital Opportunity

    A new report commissioned by the UK government proposes a clear change in the strategic direction of IP policy designed to ensure that the UK has an IP framework best suited to supporting innovation and promoting economic growth in the digital age. The Review recommends: an efficient digital copyright licensing system. an approach to exceptions…